Internal module that connects directly to the CAN DRIVE, for advanced TCP-IP functionality. Allows a second control panel connection to the Ethernet network and provides the following services:
- web Server for system control, management and maintenance
- e-mails containing events details
- IP ONVIF camera interface for video verification
- remote communications via SIA-IP protocol
- interfacing with BMS and paging systems and/or telephone switchboards
Thanks to the intensive use of new technologies such as the web-server, emails, TCP-IP connections, Previdia Max provides a system that is always under control and on hand. Both for the end-user and control and maintenance personnel. You can connect to the control panel from any browser, be it , installed on a PC or smartphone, without downloading any app. Each Previdia Max control panel manages one IFMLAN module only
- CPU, one dedicated to control of the module and communication with the control-panel FPMCPU module, the other with LINUX operating system dedicated to the control of the IP connection
- 5 status LEDs
- Mini USB port
- USB Host
- Ethernet port
- RS485 port
- RS232 port
- Housing for μSD card (max 32Gb)
- Certification EN54 pt 21
- Up to 32 email addresses and/or IP addresses for notifications
- Up to 100 actions
- Sends emails in response to each system event
- Videoverification of alarms, with eventual sending of emails with photoshot attachments
- Manages up to 100 IP cameras (ONVIF, profile S)
- Manages SIA-IP protocol
- Manages Bacnet IP protocol (requires PRBAC-IP licence)
- Manages ESPA 4.4.4 protocol
- Manages NTP, UPnP, DHCP, SSL network protocols
- Manages voice evacuation systems through IP interface or RS232
- Web-server accessible via PC or smartphone browser
- Power voltage: 19-30Vdc
- Consumption @ 27.6V: 45mA
- Operating temperature: from -5°C to +40°C